
miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Técnicas del Medio Juego 03_2

Gligoric,Svetozar - Smyslov,Vassily [E54]
Candidates Tournament Bled/Zagreb/Belgrade (19), 10.10.1959
[Boudy Bueno,Julio L.]

1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 e6 3.¤c3 ¥b4 4.e3 0–0 5.¥d3 c5 6.¤f3 d5 7.0–0 dxc4 8.¥xc4 £e7 9.a3 ¥a5 10.£c2 ¥d7 11.dxc5 £xc5 12.¤e4 ¤xe4 13.b4 £h5 14.£xe4 ¥c6 15.£f4 ¥b6 16.¥b2 ¤d7 17.£g3 £g6 18.¤d4 ¥a4 19.¦fc1 £xg3 20.hxg3 ¦fd8 21.¥e2 ¤f6 22.¥d1 ¥xd1 23.¦xd1 ¤e4 24.¤b3 [Diagrama



24...f6! [Smyslov is planning to e6-e5, after which the enemy Bishop will be very passive and in addition the Nb3 shall be deprived of the d4 square.]

25.g4 [The attempt of of change them bishops with 25. ¥ d4 failure by 25... e5! 26. ¥ xb6 ¦xd1 + 27. axb6 ¦xd1 after which the a3 pawn causes white concerns and the Nb3 is palpably enclosed.; After 25. ¢f1 ¦ac8 also the position of the white would be enviable, for example: 26.¦xd8+ (26.¦ac1 ¦xd1+ 27.¦xd1 ¦c2–+) 26...¦xd8 27.¢e2 (27.¦c1 ¦d3!) 27...¤xf2 28.¢xf2 ¦d3!–+ similar to what happened in the game.]

25...e5! [Barrier f6-e5 will control both white minor pieces.]

26.¢f1 ¦ac8 27.¦xd8+ ¦xd8 28.¢e2?! [With this motion the white cover the box d3 but allow a rebuttal tactical. In any case the position of the White is bad.]

28...¤xf2 29.¢xf2 ¦d3! [The key to the combination.]

30.¤c5 ¥xc5 31.bxc5 ¦d2+ 32.¢f3 ¦xb2–+ [As consequence of the combination them black have been with a pawn of advantage in addition to the activity of its Rookr and the bad structure of pawns white. The end of the game is as follows.]

33.¦d1 a6 34.¦d7 h6 35.¦c7 a5 36.¢e4 ¢h7 37.¢d5 a4 38.¢d6? ¢g6 39.¢d7?? f5 40.gxf5+ ¢xf5 41.¢d6 ¦d2+ 42.¢e7 ¦d5 43.¢f7 ¢e4 44.¢xg7 ¢xe3 45.¢xh6 e4 46.¦xb7 ¦xc5 47.g4 ¢f4 48.¦b4 ¢f3 49.g5 e3 50.g6 e2


Blumenfeld,Benjamin Markovich - Alekhine,Alexander [C41]
Moscow m2 Moscow (2), 1908
[Boudy Bueno,Julio L.]

[In the previous example both players pawn structure was symmetrical with the columns "c" and "d" open. This type of situation is addresses of way petty in the literature dedicated to the half game and from the point of view strategic it not is so boring as seems to first view. Continue with some examples with the barrier f6-e5 in other structures.]

1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 d6 3.d4 ¤d7 4.b3 c6 5.¥b2 £c7 6.¤bd2 ¤e7 7.¥e2 ¤g6 8.0–0 ¥e7 9.a4 0–0 10.¤c4 ¦d8 11.£c1 ¤f4 12.¦e1 ¤xe2+ 13.¦xe2




13...f6 [Alekhine decides to restrict the Bishop enemy, although doing so also limits its own Bishop on e7. An alternative was 13... exd4! 14. ¥ xd4 (14. ¤xd4 ¤e5) 14... ¤c5 with similar possibilities for both sides.]

14.¤h4 [14. ¤e3! ¤f8 15.c4 ¤e6 with a complex game where both sides have equal possibilities of struggle.]

14...¤f8 15.¤e3 ¤e6 16.dxe5? [A positional mistake by eliminating the central tension. This does not improve the Bb2 (the e5-pawn is immediately replaced by the d6), while the Be7 now gets some freedom. In addition, this change reduces the advantage of white space. The right path was 16. ¤hf5 17 ¤f4. ¦d2 with possibilities about the same although black has a comfortable game.]

16...dxe5 17.¤hf5 ¥b4! [This causes the following advance (c3), with which weakens the d3 box and leaves the completely passive Bb2.]

18.c3 [18.g3 ¤g5µ; 18.f3 ¤f4 19.¦f2 ¥xf5 20.exf5 (20.¤xf5 ¥c5 21.¤e3 £b6 22.a5 ¥xe3 23.axb6 ¤e2+ 24.¢f1 ¤xc1–+) 20...¥c5µ]

18...¤f4 19.¦d2 ¥xf5 20.¤xf5 ¥c5 [20...¥f8]

21.b4 ¥f8 22.¦xd8 [22.£c2 ¦xd2 23.£xd2 ¦d8µ and Dd7.]

22...¦xd8 23.£c2 £d7 [A logical move that totally controls the central column. However, it would be preferable]

[23...c5 24.b5 c4 Leaving free box c5 for the Bishop and most importantly strengthen d3 square.]

24.¦f1?! [24.g3 dislodging the horse was a healthy measure.]

24...£d3µ [The black reached the victory according to the then next.]

25.£b3+ ¢h8 26.¤g3 h5 [Remember in this time it studied in the first technical where with the pawn "h" is attacked to the Ng3 to while is expands the space in the wing of King. And if out little opens you to the Kh8 an escape by h7.]

27.¥c1 h4 28.¥xf4 exf4 29.¤f5 h3 [With this advance are weakening the castling.

30.£e6? [An error which quickly decides the game failing to defend the d1 box. Stronger was]


30...hxg2 31.¢xg2 f3+ [This pawn is a dangerous wedge, as we shall see below, in the weakened castling.]

32.¢g1 [Surely you already saw the checkmate of Pasillo or Tubo that we studied in other video.]

32...£xf1+ 33.¢xf1 ¦d1# [As a conclusion we can say that in headings are shown various types of techniques which are suitable to study them for use in our games. In this we have learned the closure of the Bb2 by the barrier of pawns e5-f6, remember the attack to the Ng3 by means of h5-h4 and finally el Jaque Mate del Pasillo. A great advantage we find in this game!]


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